Giant Schnauzer Bite Force


Dear lovers and friend of race giant schnauzer black, welcome on internet pages international breeder station giant schnauzer black, SLUNEČNÍ PAPRSEK (in translation SUNBEAM) CZ FCI. Schnauzers with in of our families cradled from of the year 1980, when lady Frankova (mummy of my husband) established breeder station sunbeam. On his bearded lady's she breeded 7 time. We can not forget on the dog with the name GOR SUNBEAM.

He was on show successful too,res. CAC. He was very big worker. Stallion bitch with name CILKA Z MILME, CATTY SLUNEČNÍ PAPRSEK and ELZA OD RÝZNARKY. This dogs are dead, now we breeding on the new bitch BARBIE BLACK ELEGANCE and of the daughter Barbie HEZY STING SLUNEČNÍ PAPRSEK. A to ours kennel was entire I must write too about our already 13 years old Hovawart of name GEERY KRÁLOVSKÉ ZÁTIŠÍ. Gor and Geery are dead, but we like remember for this males.With them we are identified eye-appeal but and heftiness rescue worker training ,many friends, experience and new places. Dogs with us poison all free time. They goes with us on the holiday and on the sommercamp of Scout organisation. Children very love and they are their protectors. By now they preserve our small son Vojta and further smaller daughter Michaela. We belive that we are you our fable partial and that our pages again soon visit with.

This impressive and beautiful dog breed has a bite force of 540 PSI. This giant English dog breed was carefully bred by English gamekeepers so they can have a canine patrol partner that is fearless and powerful. This is one of the biggest dog breeds in the world and they have a bite force that matches their size. Putting the Bite on Burglars: Look Who’s on the List of Top Dogs for Protection: the Doberman (of Course) but Also the Chihuahua, the Poodle and the Miniature Schnauzer. Giant Schnauzer.

  1. Giant Schnauzers share some physical characteristics with their smaller cousins, the Miniature and Standard Schnauzers, like the harsh eyebrows and beard, as well as a keen, intelligent expression.
  2. If you are looking for a Giant puppy you can go to this site to see if the parents are CHIC dogs. The Giant Schnauzer Club of America (GSCA) encourages breeders and owners to participate in this program.
  3. Based on the video I can see why this dog was refused the flight. It is very poorly behaved. If I was doing a news interview trying to prove my dog was a well trained service dog I wouldn't let it bite my face and drag me down the street. The owner said when a person attempts to pet the dog it recoils and whimpers.

Giant schnauzer bite force animal

From history of the race

Big moustache-though is youngest browse big families kniracu and pincu. First mention of big kniracovitem doggery glory in on picture, which arose in the year 1850 and whereon is displayed Bavarian princess Elizabeth (later empress Sissy). This doggery with in 19.-tem century say 'mnichovsky moustache-though' or too 'Russian moustache-though' or 'bear dog'. Were it above all doggery with coarse shaggy hair and dense hair and drab hair. Though in the year 1907 arose in Munich 'wire Bayerische Schnauzer club', nevertheless with like natal year of a great knirace with rate as year 1910. Initiate and registered breeding on differently coloured individuals. Among you black belonged dog Bitry von Sendling and Bazi von Wetterstein. Into breeder activities brought resurgence Dr. Calaminus (breeding station Von Kinzigtal), which prikrizil lashings race (accurately with doesn't know what), but accompanied by was crossing with black bandog. The she should have add big kniraci nobility of mind and colours. In the year 1919 was big moustache-though crossbreeds and with much poodle and sheepdog. Up they us up to the present day stay colouring pepper and white salt. In the year 1925 was moustache-though recognition service doggery. For of his swift character, hardness and faith with from mnichovskeho knirace - used above all to guarded stable and capture rats - state all-round race. Is sorting into insider II. - PINCOVE. Because race ' big moustache-though' is national race Germany, then and all changes in standard pertains of the country's.

Standard racial ( withdrawal from pages breeder station BRUNIFID)

Translation: Mrs. C. Seidler
Origin: Germany
UTILIZATION: Utility and Companion Dog
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds
Section 1 Pinscher and Schnauzer type. With working trial
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Originally the Giant Schnauzer was used in the region of Southern Germany to drive cattle. Around the turn of the century, determined breeders realised that he had outstanding working capabilities and particularly valuable traits in character. Since 1913 the breed has been registered in a stud book, and in 1925 already the Giant Schnauzer has officially been recognised as a working dog.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Large, powerful, stocky rather than slim. An enlarged, powerful image of the Schnauzer. An imperturbable dog, prepared for defense, whose appearance fills with respect.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Square build in which height at the withers is nearly equal to the body length. The length of the head (measured from the tip of the nose to the occiput) corresponds to half the length of the topline (measured from the withers to the set on of the tail).
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Typical characteristics of this dog are his good natured, even temperament and his incorruptible loyalty towards his master. He has highly developed sense organs, intelligence, trainability, strength, endurance, speed, resistance to weather and diseases. His inborn ability to bear strain and his self assurance make him best suited for being a companion, sporting, utility and working dog.


Skull: Strong, long without markedly protudring occiput. The head should be in keeping with the dog’s force. The forehead is flat, without wrinkling and parallel to the bridge of nose.
Stop: Appears well defined due to the brows.
Nose: Well developed nose leather with large nostrils, always black.
Muzzle: Ending in a blunt wedge. Bridge of nose straight.
Lips: Black, smooth and tight-fitting to the jaws. Corners of lips closed.
Jaws/Teeth: Strong upper and lower jaw. The complete scissor bite (42 pure white teeth, according to the dentition fromula), is strongly developed and firmly closing. The chewing muscles are strongly developed but the cheeks must not interfere with the rectangular shape of the head (with the beard).
Eyes: Medium sized, oval, facing forward, dark with lively expression. Eyelids close fitting.
Ears: Drop ears, set high, V-shaped with inner edges lying close to the cheeks, evenly carried, turned forward towards temples. Folds parallel, should not be above the top of the skull.


The strong, muscular neck is nobly arched, blending smoothly into the withers. Strongly set on, slim, noble curved, corresponding to the dog’s force. Throat skin tight-fitting without folds.


Topline: Slightly sloping from withers towards rear.
Withers: Forming the highest point in topline.
Back: Strong, short and taut.
Loins: Short, strong and deep. The distance from the last rib to the hip is short to make the dog appear compact.
Croup: Slightly rounded, imperceptibly blending into tail set on.
Chest: Moderately broad, oval in diameter, reaching to the elbows. The forechest is distinctly marked by the point of the sternum.
Underline/Belly: Flanks not too tucked up, forming a well curved line with the underside of the ribcage.
Tail: Natural.


FOREQUARTERS: Seen from the front, the front legs are strong, straight and not close together. Seen from the side, the forearms are straight.
Shoulders: The shoulder blade lies close against the rib cage and is well muscled on both sides of shoulder bone, protruding over the points of thoracic vertebrae. As sloping as possible and well laid back, forming an angle of appr.50° to the horizontal.
Upper arm: Lying close to the body, strong and well musculed, forming an angle of 95° to 105° to the shoulder blade.
Elbows: Close fitting, turning neither in nor out.
Forearm: Viewed from all sides completely straight, strongly developed and well muscled.
Carpal joint: Strong, firm, barely standing out against the structure of the fore arm.
Pastern: Seen from the front, vertical. Seen from the side, slightly sloping towards the ground, strong and slightly springy.
Forefeet: Short and round, toes well-knit and arched (cat foot) with short dark nails and resistant pads.
HINDQUARTERS: Standing obliquely when seen from the side, standing parallel but not close together when seen from the rear.
Upper thigh: Moderately long, broad and strongly muscled.
Stifle: Turning neither in nor out.
Lower thigh: Long and strong, sinewy, running into a strong hock.
Hocks: Very well angulated, strong, firm, turning neither in nor out.
Metatarsus: Short, vertical to ground.
Hind feet: Toes short, arched and well-knit. Nails short and black.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Flexible, elegant, agile, free and ground covering. The front legs swinging as far forward as possible, the hind legs, ground covering and springy, provide the necessary drive. The front leg of one side and the hind leg on the other side move forward at the same time. The back, the ligaments and the joints are firm.


Giant Schnauzer Bite Force Vs

Tight fitting over the whole body.
HAIR: The coat should be wiry, harsh and dense. It consists of a dense undercoat and a not too short top coat, lying close to the body. The top coat is rough and sufficiently long to allow the checking of its texture, it is neither bristly nor wavy. Hair on the limbs tends to be less harsh. Coat short on forehead and ears. Typical characteristics are the not too soft beard on the muzzle and the bushy eyebrows which slightly shade the eyes.
a) Pure black with black undercoat
b) Pepper and Salt. When breeding Pepper and Salt, the aim is a medium shading with evenly distributed, well pigmented, pepper colouring and grey undercoat. The shades from dark iron grey to silver grey are all permitted. In all colour variations there must be a dark mask, which should adapt harmoniously to the respective colour, emphasizing the expression. Distinct light markings on head, chest and limbs are undesirable.


Height at withers Dogs and bitches: 60 to 70 cm
Weight Dogs and bitches: 35 to 45 kg


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. Particularly:

  • Head altogether too small or too short
  • Heavy or round skull
  • Wrinkles on forehead
  • Short, pointed or narrow muzzle
  • Pincer bite
  • Strongly protuding cheeks or cheekbones
  • Light, too large or too small eyes
  • Low set, too long or unevenly carried ears
  • Throatiness
  • Dewlap, narrow crest of neck
  • Too long, tucked up or soft back
  • Roach back
  • Croup falling away
  • Tail set inclined towards head
  • Long feet
  • Pacing movement
  • Too short, too long, soft, wavy, shaggy, silky, white or spotted coat or other mixed colours
  • Brown undercoat
  • In Pepper and Salt : a black trace on the back or black saddle
  • Over- or undersize up to 2 cm


  • Clumsy or light build
  • Too low or too high on leg
  • Inverse sexual type (i.e. doggy bitch)
  • Elbows turning out
  • Straight or open hocked hindlegs
  • Hocks turned inwards
  • Over- or undersize by more than 2 cm but less than 4 cm


  • Malformation of any kind
  • Lack of breed type
  • Faulty mouth, such as over- or undershot or wry mouth
  • Severe faults in individual parts, such as faults in structure, coat and colour
  • Over- or undersize by more than 4 cm
  • Shy, aggressive,vicious, exaggeratedly suspicious or nervous behaviour

N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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Giant Schnauzer temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books

The AKC Standard calls the Giant Schnauzer 'a bold and valiant figure of a dog – amiable in repose and a commanding figure when aroused.'

Keen expression is what you may notice first about the Giant Schnauzer. This sensitive dog seems always aware of your moods and likes to be physically close to you, watching you.

Some lines are 'harder-tempered' (bold, serious, vigorous) while others are much sweeter and more mellow.

But in general, when you acquire a Giant Schnauzer puppy, you should expect him to mature into an athletic, energetic dog who plays hard and needs a mile or two of walking and/or running each day.

Mental stimulation is just as important to this extremely intelligent dog.

Most Giant Schnauzers are watchful with strangers and responsible about protecting their home. However, timidity, skittishness, and sharp-shyness are seen in some lines. To promote a stable, confident temperament, Giant Schnauzers need more socialization than many other breeds.

Many individuals are too spirited for small children, and some become overprotective of their own kids when a group is engaging in rough-and-tumble play.

Strange dogs may well be challenged by your Giant Schnauzer. Cats may or may not be accepted.

Once you establish your leadership, the Giant Schnauzer responds very well to obedience training that is fair and consistent. But this highly intelligent, strong-minded working breed is often 'too much dog' for many households.

If you want a dog who...

  • Is large, athletic, and rather elegant-looking
  • Has a wiry coat that doesn't shed too much and a whiskery face with a wise expression
  • Plays hard and thrives on vigorous athletic activities
  • Makes a keen watchdog and looks imposing, so also makes an effective deterrent

A Giant Schnauzer may be right for you.

If you don't want to deal with...

  • Vigorous exercise requirements
  • Rowdiness and exuberant jumping, especially when young
  • Destructiveness when bored or not exercised enough
  • Potential aggression or fearfulness in some lines, or when not socialized enough
  • Potential aggression toward other animals
  • Strong-willed mind of his own, requiring a confident owner who can take charge
  • Regular clipping and trimming of the wiry coat

A Giant Schnauzer may not be right for you.


Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training.

  • You can avoid some negative traits by choosing an ADULT dog from an animal shelter or rescue group. With an adult dog, you can easily see what you're getting, and plenty of adult Giant Schnauzers have already proven themselves not to have negative characteristics.
  • If you want a puppy, you can avoid some negative traits by choosing the right breeder and the right puppy. Unfortunately, you usually can't tell whether a puppy has inherited temperament or health problems until he grows up.
  • Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by training your Giant Schnauzer to respect you and by following the 11-step care program in my book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy.

More traits and characteristics of the Giant Schnauzer

If I was considering a Giant Schnauzer, I would be most concerned about...

Temperament of a giant schnauzer
  1. Providing enough exercise and mental stimulation. Giant Schnauzers look athletic for a reason! They ARE athletic, which means they require plenty of exercise – not just a couple of walks around the block. If you don't take your Giant Schnauzer out to romp and play and do interesting things, he will become rambunctious and bored and then you'll see frustrated behaviors like barking and destructive chewing. Bored Giant Schnauzers can make a shambles of your house and yard.
  2. Providing enough socialization. Most Giant Schnauzers have protective instincts toward strangers. They need extensive exposure to friendly people so they learn to recognize the normal behaviors of 'good guys.' Then they can recognize the difference when someone acts abnormally. Without careful socialization, they may be suspicious of everyone, which could lead to aggression.

    Some Giant Schnauzers go in the opposite direction -- without enough socialization, they become fearful of strangers. Fearfulness in a Giant Schnauzer can also be dangerous because it can lead to defensive biting if the dog becomes frightened and feels cornered.

  3. Potential animal aggression. Many Giant Schnauzers are dominant or aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex. Some have strong instincts to chase and seize cats and other fleeing creatures. If anything goes wrong in the breeding, socializing, training, handling, or management of this breed, it is capable of seriously injuring other animals.
  4. The strong temperament. The best Giant Schnauzers are versatile working dogs, capable of learning a great deal. But they have an independent mind of their own and are not pushovers to raise and train. Some Giant Schnauzers are willful, obstinate, and dominant (they want to be the boss) and will make you prove that you can make them do things. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say. Read more about Giant Schnauzer Training.
  5. Lots of grooming. Giant Schnauzers don't shed a great deal – though they are not hypoallergenic. The trade-off to less shedding is a commitment to coat care. Giant Schnauzers require clipping and trimming every few months. Breed purists may say that the wiry coat should never be clipped because it makes the coat softer and more prone to matting. Instead they advocate hand-stripping (each dead hair pulled out so a new one can grow in its place). But in my opinion, stripping is too time-consuming and uncomfortable for the dog. Many groomers won't do it anymore. For pet dogs, I think clipping is just fine.

About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. An expert researcher and author of 15 books about dogs, she loves helping people choose, train, and care for their dogs.

To help you train and care for your dog


Dog training videos. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action.
The problem is that most dog training videos on the internet are worthless, because they use the wrong training method. I recommend these dog training videos that are based on respect and leadership.

Giant Schnauzer Bite Force Vs

Respect Training For Puppies: 30 seconds to a calm, polite, well-behaved puppy. For puppies 2 to 18 months old. Your puppy will learn the 21 skills that all family dogs need to know.
If your dog is over 18 months, you'll want Respect Training For Adult Dogs: 30 seconds to a calm, polite, well-behaved dog. Again your dog will learn the 21 skills that all family dogs need to know.
Teach Your Dog 100 English Words is a unique Vocabulary and Respect Training Program that will teach your adult dog to listen to you and do what you say.
11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy helps your dog live a longer, healthier life.

Giant Schnauzer Bite Force

Dog Quest: Find The Dog Of Your Dreams will help you find a good-tempered, healthy family companion.

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Animal Bite Force

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